Stressed? Back Pain? Gut issues?...

Do you suffer from Low Back Pain and Gut Issues ( Bloating, Constipation, Digestive Issues, etc..)? You may have a tight PSOAS muscle. A tight PSOAS not only creates structural problems, it constricts the organs, puts pressure on the nerves, interferes with the movement of digestive fluids, impairs deep breathing and can cause the constant need to urinate…

The PSOAS is a Hip Flexor connecting the base of your spine to the front of your legs and is one of the muscles that pulls your knees towards your chest while walking.  The digestive organs, pelvis and pelvic floor are supported by it… so any muscular contraction of it can stimulate the body’s organs and affect your ‘fight or flight response’.  Due to the PSOAS muscle’s central position near the body’s centre of gravity, it also has a role in regulating balance, and affecting the nervous system as large nerve bundles that supply the digestive system with nerve impulses must pass through it . If your PSOAS is short and tight, it tells your Nervous System that you are not safe and digestion will be slowed.  This disruption can also cause inflammation and small adhesions in the gut and small intestine which can contribute to constipation.

The PSOAS affects the body’s main breathing muscle often causing shallow breathing patterns and disrupting sleep patterns when tight.

It also functions as an important spinal stabiliser, flanking the sides of the lower spine and protecting it.  This means that when the PSOAS is chronically tight it tends to pull the lower back and pelvis out of alignment causing pain.  If we constantly contract the PSOAS due to stress or tension, the muscle eventually begins to shorten leading to a host of painful conditions including Poor Posture, Low Back Pain, Sacroiliac Pain, Sciatica, Disc Problems, Spondylolysis, etc.

If we have struck a chord, Shine Pilates sessions are for you. Each Shine class is designed to strengthen and release the pelvic stabilising muscles and improve your breathing pattern.  We work on releasing the chronic tightness and release stress and tension in order to reduce pain.