Stressed? Back Pain? Gut issues?...

Do you suffer from Low Back Pain and Gut Issues ( Bloating, Constipation, Digestive Issues, etc..)? You may have a tight PSOAS muscle. A tight PSOAS not only creates structural problems, it constricts the organs, puts pressure on the nerves, interferes with the movement of digestive fluids, impairs deep breathing and can cause the constant need to urinate…

The PSOAS is a Hip Flexor connecting the base of your spine to the front of your legs and is one of the muscles that pulls your knees towards your chest while walking.  The digestive organs, pelvis and pelvic floor are supported by it… so any muscular contraction of it can stimulate the body’s organs and affect your ‘fight or flight response’.  Due to the PSOAS muscle’s central position near the body’s centre of gravity, it also has a role in regulating balance, and affecting the nervous system as large nerve bundles that supply the digestive system with nerve impulses must pass through it . If your PSOAS is short and tight, it tells your Nervous System that you are not safe and digestion will be slowed.  This disruption can also cause inflammation and small adhesions in the gut and small intestine which can contribute to constipation.

The PSOAS affects the body’s main breathing muscle often causing shallow breathing patterns and disrupting sleep patterns when tight.

It also functions as an important spinal stabiliser, flanking the sides of the lower spine and protecting it.  This means that when the PSOAS is chronically tight it tends to pull the lower back and pelvis out of alignment causing pain.  If we constantly contract the PSOAS due to stress or tension, the muscle eventually begins to shorten leading to a host of painful conditions including Poor Posture, Low Back Pain, Sacroiliac Pain, Sciatica, Disc Problems, Spondylolysis, etc.

If we have struck a chord, Shine Pilates sessions are for you. Each Shine class is designed to strengthen and release the pelvic stabilising muscles and improve your breathing pattern.  We work on releasing the chronic tightness and release stress and tension in order to reduce pain.

Shine Pilates Pukekohe Studio Now Open!

I am so excited!



Shine Pilates’s Pukekohe studio at 5b West St, Pukekohe is officially open!


Firstly, thank you to all the loyal clients who have already snapped up many of the session times and continue to bring in friends and colleagues.  Welcome to the new studio to all of you, both old friends and new! :)


Secondly, thank you to the fabulous Pukekohe business community who have been so welcoming and supportive:)


2017 promises to be an exciting and invigorating year for us all and we look forward to the challenges and opportunities that are on their way.


So….if your New Year’s resolution for 2017 was to improve your posture, reduce your stress, improve your breathing pattern, increase your metabolism and be happier…what are you waiting for?  Shine Pilates is open and taking bookings for just those results ;)


Over the holiday season it is easy to forget to take care of YOU.  Either we get too busy looking after the important others in our life or we forget the best way to care for ourselves.  Well now the holiday season is drawing to a close, it’s time to make a change…  


Come along to a Total Barre class and improve your posture and alignment.  Book in an Intensive Mat or Studio Session and take some time to focus on the importance of breathing efficiently.  Or, push yourself and allow yourself the achievement of completing an Athletic Circuit.  


Pilates not only benefits us physically but improves our mental focus with an emotional release of endorphins.  Let’s work together to resist the rush of everyday life that tempts us to neglect ourselves and our health and wellbeing and come along to class to feel energised.  


Think of your body as your bank account and every day stresses and strains as life’s bills.  You need to deposit goodness to ensure you stay out of the red ;)  


Let’s make 2017 the year you choose to put YOU first.

The Journey So Far...

Dear friend,

Thank you so much for visiting my Shine Pilates page, I hope to see you in studio soon!

My name is Naomi Logan and I am a self-confessed Pilates geek.  I am passionate about the contemporary, cutting edge method of Stott Pilates and I consider it my honor to be able to go on an ever evolving life long journey in teaching, learning and sharing the amazing benefits of this form of Pilates.

For anyone that has known me a long time you will be aware of my incredible klutziness and unparalleled ability to trip over a flat surface ( even when stationary)!  I came to Pilates almost five years ago after my dubious gifts had torn the TFCC tendons in both wrists, dislocated my left shoulder five times and generally made mainstream fitness methods pretty much impossible without severe pain.

As you can imagine, my dreams of being a Silver Fern started to fade.  My coach was distraught, I had been the best all round reserve she had ever had.  My ability to sit on the bench game after game without needing to join my team on the court, my skill with handing out the drink bottles and my uncanny ability to catch each pass with my face had earned me many commendations for my enthusiasm!

So too farewell to my interpretative dance career.  Although my rendition of “HammerTime” by MC Hammer is still a talking point!

 At this point my long suffering hairdresser suggested I try a session with Sharon Currie from Core Pilates.  So, ever enthusiastic, I toddled along to one of Sharon’s sessions and experienced a eureka moment!  Exercise without pain!  A method that taught me mindfulness in body movement so I would proactively take control of situations that could injure me?  That moment when I realized I had found an exercise method that was not only dramatically toning and strengthening my body but also using medical science to manage and treat my injuries all while I was having fun can only be summed up with, Hallelujah!

Pilates has been my passion and my inspiration ever since.  My personal rehabilitation and exercise journey has supported and motivated my teaching so that I have been in a very lucky position to be able to empathize with my clients as they take control over their rehabilitation and fitness journey and through the many stages of their Pilates story.

Because I know the frustration of plateauing or even slipping back in my progress I am thankful to be able to understand my client’s journeys every step of the way.  Being surrounded by and mentored by the best and brightest in my field has been a privilege and a blessing.  Being entrusted with the care of such delightful and inspiring clients has been humbling and drives me every day to be the best I can be.

Fast forward several years from that fateful day I naively wandered into Sharon’s studio and here I am, embarking on the most rewarding and exciting phase of my life in starting up my own Shine Pilates studio.

To be continued….